Designed for the simple clean separation of compostable dog waste bags.
Fully compostable dog waste bags can be threaded through the dog waste bin, ensuring other waste can not contaminate the bins. Our dog waste stations allow for ease of emptying with a rear lockable door and choice of colours. Our dog waste stations are fully Australian made.
How it Works
This short video clearly explains the Doggie Dunnie concept and design.
One of our clients
Doggie Dunnies are used in public spaces throughout the City of Burnside, South Australia. Learn how they are being utilised to avoid dog waste ending up in landfill, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, all while saving on costs to ratepayers.
Watch their promotional video
Doggie Dunnie Station Instructions

Step 1
Tie compostable dog bag and then slide into front baffle.

Step 2
Follow maze through rubbish limiter Chute with Tied dog bag.

Step 3
Drop into centre of the bin at the end of the maze.

Step 4
Bag is collected inside galvanised liner or Sulo Bin with liner ready for recycling.
Unit Specifications
External/Internal Bin Size
375mm / 290mm wide 350mm / 255mm deep 900mm / 750mm high Removable galvanised bin with handles for ease of emptying

Options Available
Australian manufactured
Choice of Dulux powder coat colours available Mild steel / powder coat

Removable galvanised liner

Bolt down mounting pedestal

Woodlands-AMS Brake tensioned dispenser unit (Galvanised or Stainless Powder coat)

Lockable rear door
Contact Us
Andrew Wynne
Sales Manager
0412 429 767
Melissa Aggiss
Admin Manager
0408 940 455
General Enquiries
Partner Supplier
AMS Products - South Australia
Evan Jackson
Visit AMS Products website
Urban - Queensland
Claire and Simon
5 Telford Circuit, Yatala, QLD
Visit Urban's website